EM Marketing & Communication celebrates its 7th anniversary at the International Tourism Fair

EM Marketing & Communicationagencia de comunicaciones integradas especializada en marketing turístico y dirigida por Elsa Petersen, CEO & Founder, celebra su 7º aniversario con su destacada participación en la Feria Internacional de Turismo del 28 de septiembre al 1 de octubre. Con sede en Argentina y una trayectoria consolidada en la promoción de destinos turísticos a nivel mundial, la agencia aprovechará este evento para continuar fortaleciendo su red de contactos y explorar nuevas oportunidades de colaboración en la industria.

Desde su creación, EM Marketing & Communication ha logrado posicionarse como un actor clave en la promoción de destinos turísticos, especialmente en la región del Caribe y América Latina. Con un enfoque creativo y comprometido, la agencia ha mejorado la percepción y visibilidad de diversas marcas turísticas a través de campañas innovadoras que conectan personas y experiencias.

“Over these seven years, we have demonstrated our commitment to excellence, driving campaigns that not only promote destinations but also connect people and experiences. We are proud to have contributed to the growth and development of tourism in the Caribbean and Latin America, and we remain committed to providing communication strategies that inspire and transform,” commented Elsa Petersen, CEO of the agency.

One of EM Marketing’s main achievements has been its consolidation as a relevant player in promoting Caribbean tourism, where its deep market knowledge has allowed it to anticipate challenges and capitalize on opportunities in this unique region. Additionally, as a member of LATAM PR, the leading communications agency network in Latin America, EM Marketing has offices in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, and Peru, allowing them to develop campaigns tailored to the needs of each market and work closely with local partners.

Durante la feria, hemos promovido destinos turísticos emergentes como Antigua y Barbuda, uno de sus principales clientes en la región del Caribe.

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