Desde EM Marketing & Communication participamos en el World Travel Market Latinoamérica 2024 en San Pablo (WTM) , el principal evento mundial de la industria de viajes y turismo de América Latina. Como miembro aliado de #CTO y con la representación de nuestra CEO & Founder, Elsa Petersen, acompañamos a interCaribbean Airways, en su misión comercial.
Junto a Trevor Sadler, CEO de interCaribbean Airways, y Carolina Torres, International Marketing Coordinator, nos reunimos con diversos actores del sector para seguir trabajando en ofrecer las mejores conexiones en el Caribe. Con nuevo Hub en Barbados, la aerolínea conectará varios destinos con el norte de Brasil, facilitando el acceso desde Sudamérica a destinos como Barbados, Antigua y Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent, Dominica, St. Lucia, Grenada y Guyana, también con conexiones rápidas con el resto de la red de vuelos y destinos caribeños.
“We aim to create a connected Caribbean. Many countries lacked air connections, and over the years, we were able to create our network and replicate the concept in many places,” exclaimed Trevor Sadler, CEO of InterCaribbean Airways.
“This is our first time here at the WTM in Brazil. For this market, InterCaribbean is not very well known, but it is actually an airline that has been operating for 32 years. InterCaribbean has daily flights and connecting flights in most Caribbean islands, currently covering 22 destinations in 17 countries. For this event, we have not only managed to make deals and introduce ourselves within the travel agent community, but there is also the opportunity to make agreements with airlines currently operating in the region, to be able to offer connecting flights along with our flights within the Caribbean,” stated Carolina Torres, Marketing Coordinator for InterCaribbean Airways.
“It is an honor to accompany InterCaribbean on this occasion, and it is also extremely important for us at EM to be present at events of this magnitude, as exhibitors and travel agents from all over the world attend, allowing us to create links to continue growing in the sector,” concluded Elsa Petersen, CEO & Founder of EM Marketing & Communication.