Enero, mes del wellness en Antigua y Barbuda

The twin islands of the Caribbean are kicking off the year with the celebration of Antigua and Barbuda’s Wellness Month. During January, both visitors and residents can be part of the incredible wellness offerings that the destination has to offer.

Organizado por la Autoridad de Turismo de Antigua y Barbuda (ABTA), el Mes del Bienestar ofrece, a quienes buscan mejorar y disfrutar de su calidad de vida, una serie de actividades cuidadosamente seleccionadas en diferentes puntos turísticos: desde retiros para una vida más sana; experiencias de spa; rutas de senderismo; yoga en playas solitarias; propuestas de inmersión cultural y degustación de alimentos saludables.

Colin C. James, CEO of ABTA, stated: “Antigua and Barbuda have great natural wealth and multiple highly qualified wellness service providers. There is much to do and discover in Antigua and Barbuda for those who wish to enrich their mind, body, and soul.”

Highlighted Proposals For challenge lovers, the ABTA has announced two exciting activities open to competitors of all ages this month: the “Hiking Challenge through the Four Corners of Antigua and Barbuda” and the “7-Minute Ice Bath Challenge.”

The first offers the possibility to explore the national parks and lush hills of the islands. Throughout the month, four excursions with different levels of difficulty will be held, where hikers can visit historic Fort Barrington, picturesque Gaynor’s Bay and Signal Hill, as well as Darby Cave, unique in Barbuda.

Por su parte, el “Desafío del Baño Helado de 7 Minutos, organizado por el paraíso del bienestar orgánico Wellness Footprints Antigua y dirigido por la Embajadora del Bienestar de Antigua y Barbuda 2023, Tricia Greenaway, destacará los beneficios de un baño helado. Los participantes se sumergirán en una bañera llena de hielo durante siete minutos. Los baños de hielo son una experiencia terapéutica con múltiples beneficios, entre ellos la concentración y la meditación, la relajación y un mejor sueño, así como también la recuperación muscular y la mejora de la salud mental.

Keisha Schahaff, astronaut, professional and tourism brand ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda, will also be part of the month’s activities: she will offer twelve people free access to a retreat focused on healthy living, themed around discovering the power of space, wellness, and personal growth.

Maria Blackman, Director of Marketing and Communications and member of the ABTA Wellness Pillar team, stated: “We firmly believe that our destination has very good proposals for those who wish to lead a healthy lifestyle. We are very excited to showcase the possibilities of living different experiences and meeting all those who start or continue their journey towards wellness during January 2024.”

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