Category: All

IPA Congress

The International Psychoanalytical Association trusted in us for its World Congress in Argentina. Over 2,500 attendees worldwide enjoyed a full week of sessions at Hilton Buenos Aires.

Barbados’ Polo Night

Great food, lots of fun and the best of Polo! Did you know that Barbados and Argentina had all these in common? An amazing experience welcoming main representatives of Barbados Tourist Board in Argentina.

Latam Trainings

SOUTH AMERICA TOUR | BARBADOS With the launch of our representation for Barbados commercial activity in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, hundreds of travel agents were trained in an unforgettable road tour.

Press Trip

GRENADA & ST.LUCIA Nothing better to promote your services than experiencing them in first person. Revista LUGARES team got the chance to explore and discover two hidden gems of The Caribbean. And they owned the cover!


RODIZIO CAMPO LUJÁN In an extraordinary day trip, our top selling agents got the chance to experience for themselves all the beauty, fun and huge range of quality services Rodizio Campo Luján has to offer. If you conquer their hearts, you’ll conquer thousands
