Sustainable Tourism: Awareness about Water Consumption on Every Trip

A tourist consumes on average 673 liters more water during their stay compared to a local citizen.

Sustainable tourism focuses on minimizing the negative impact on the environment and local communities, promoting economic and cultural development. In this context, water conservation plays a fundamental role, as freshwater is a limited and vital resource for life on Earth. According to recent studies by the We are Water Foundation, it is estimated that a tourist consumes on average 673 liters more water during their stay compared to a local citizen.

There are various ways the tourism industry can promote the adoption of responsible tourism and water conservation:

Education and awareness: Tourist destinations can carry out awareness campaigns to inform visitors about the importance of conserving water and how they can contribute during their stay.

Green technology: The implementation of eco-efficient technologies in hotels, such as water recycling systems and smart irrigation systems, can significantly reduce water consumption without sacrificing guest comfort.

Sustainable operational practices: Hotels can adopt sustainable operational practices, such as reusing towels and linens instead of changing them daily or installing rainwater harvesting systems for use.

Collaboration with local communities: Conscious tourism is not only about protecting the environment but also supporting local communities. Working in collaboration with these communities to implement water conservation projects and improve water infrastructure can benefit both local residents and visitors.

Certifications and standards: Adopting certifications for community tourism practices, such as the Green Globe program or the EarthCheck certification, can help tourism companies demonstrate their commitment to responsible environmental practices, including water conservation.

“The success of sustainable tourism and water conservation depends on the collaboration between different industry actors, including governments, tourism companies, non-governmental organizations, and travelers. Adopting this practice and saving water is not only beneficial for the planet and local communities but also a smart strategy for any tourism business that wants to thrive in the long term,” says Elsa Petersen, our CEO & Founder at EM Marketing & Communication.

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